No rain on our parade!


Chef Wayne gazes down on Ann St. after a refreshing summer rainshower!

The rising tide after a brief rain is reminiscent of the tide rising through the Finnegan’s side door from Grinnell St. during summer storms and their subsequent power outages (and/or within the men’s loo on the regular).

Less than one hour left! Load up your kayak and paddle down to Shots & Giggles for No-Wake Wednesday!  

Anne Marie just waded in!

One more ‘gain!

Wake Wednesday v. 2.0 is HAPPENING! Get to Shots & Giggles sooner than later, folks, because Wayne’s World Famous Mic’s Mac ‘n Cheese is going FAST!

Denise and Val are behind the bar; and local celebrities Gabo, Mario “Kitchen Bitch,” Lexi(-licious), Sammo, and Magic Mike are bellied up and ready for their close-ups!


Mic’s Mac ‘n Cheese is the CHEESIEST!


Lexi came prepared with her Finn’s coozie!


Wake Update

(Posting on behalf of Frostymoeg…)

It would seem that a lunatic fecking muppet with a high-powered firearm has claimed the 800 block of our beloved Duval Street for his own (until Key West’s Finest arrive to quell the commotion).
Until then, Dear Readers, your humble narrator invites YOU (insert Tia Sammy reference here) to Shots & Giggles on Greene St. (kind of like the 🍀 kind of green, not the green one finds at The Green Room, also on Greene St.) to meet and greet the Lost Souls over a pint (or seven!). There are Closed Space coupons for the taking!